Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Manila: Day 8

so today was a pretty awesome day.. went to Farmer's market and visited our awesome friends from the video game store, and then we went Ever Gotesca to visit Nay's cousin and auntie.

after we then went to House of Dance (tryin to bite the House of Awesome, but its cool) in the BF Homes area.. and i gotta say.. those houses are fuckin dope! Huge houses.. bigger ones than in San Jose even! it's nuts.

met up with Kels and Jesse at the HOD and then proceeded onto meeting Rob, Profo, and Neshmaster at Greenbelt. now Greenbelt here is like our Valley Fair mall back at home. High end shit like Gucci, Louis Vuitton, etc.. its nuts! third world country having stores like that around. and then you get to looking around, and THATS where all the white people are! so it makes sense. mall for the white people of the world to come hang out and shop.

chilled, ate at this spot called Red Crab with the mob and then got ice cream. pretty chillen day! peep the pics.

why do we not have a tribal store in cali?

whoa.. balut eggspress is no joke..

jeepney attack!

i'm really thrown off by these buildings.

Nay's class

toprockin it!

cypher time

IPOD! weird ass little dog, but mad funny.

seriously one of the smallest pianos ever.

and then nay gets on..

Jessmaster, Robimus Nastiness, Me, Profowonton, Naytreezy

live crab show.. kinda.

not the best milkshake in the world.. strawberry syrup and milk.. lol


Me, Nay, Profo, Kels, Nesh, Jess, and Rob.

pretty cool day, just kicked it, chilled, did whatever. pretty much it! aight!


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